If you would like SolarHome.org to provide you with a free, no obligation, feasibility estimate of a solar electric (or solar pool heating) installation, and an estimate of the cost, please fill out the form to the left and our technicians will contact you today or tomorrow, or on Monday if this is a weekend.


Average kWh per month on electric bill:

Square Footage of Roof:

South or West facing:

Roof Obstructions:

When Begin Project?:

Expected Budget?:

Best Time to Call:

Additional Information:


The more accurate the information you can give us, the more accurate will be the estimate. This is especially true when it comes to the amount of your monthly electrical bill. When combined with the name of your power company (whose rates we know), we can get a good estimate of your existing monthly power usage. This then allows us to determine the number of solar panels needed to provide the percentage of solar power you specified you would like to achieve.