Grid Tie-In Systems

The initial feeling when talking about solar energy is the money that it costs to set up. One of the things that most people don’t realize when working out the cost of the equipment is that solar energy can actually make money using a grid tie-in system. This is a way of making money back off your solar power unit when you do not use it, and still have the maximum output of energy to use when you are back in your house, using appliances.

Most people will consume energy during the evening hours of the day, when they have returned home from work. As the majority of the daylight hours happen before this, it can mean that – aside from charging many batteries that might be installed in the system – there is a large waste of energy that is being absorbed by the solar panels, but has no use within the house.

In a situation such as this, a good system to invest in is the grid tie-in, where the solar panels are connected to the grid so that they can feed this excess power back into the main supply in exchange for credit from the energy supplier. This can be in the form of a check, or subsidized grid-based power at a later date, when the individual requires more power than the solar panels can provide.

This is beneficial in two ways – firstly the household can benefit from the energy when they are home, and they can benefit from others using the energy when they are not there. This means that they are covered if their usage ever exceeds the current capacities of the system they have installed, and if they opt to receive a paycheck from the grid for the excess energy they pass on, they can rest assured that they are helping pump renewable energy back into the system as well as the normal environmental benefits that using solar power provides.

Grid tie-in systems are a valuable system that ensures that the green status of solar power is maintained with the fact that it not only prevents the unnecessary use of fossil fuels for one household, but that this can be passed on to many others when they are out of the house. This is why grid tie-in systems are becoming rapidly more popular with working households who have to keep an eye on their fuel costs and budget each month.